La sagouine


“This is the story of La Sagouine, woman of the sea, born with the century, almost with her feet in the water. Water was his entire fortune: daughter of a cod fisherman, daughter of sailors, then wife of an oyster and smelt fisherman. Cleaning woman, too, who ends her life on her knees in front of her bucket, her hands in the water. It was there that I surprised her, between her broom and her dishcloths, leaning over her bucket of dirty water which, for half a century, had collected all the filth of the country. Cloudy water, but still capable of reflecting the face of this woman who has never admired herself anywhere but in the filth of others. I deliver it to you as it is, without retouching its wrinkles, its cracks, or its tongue. She does not speak Joual, Chiac or international French. She speaks the popular language of her fathers descended raw from the 16th century…” Antonine Maillet.


Renée Blanchar


Viola Léger


Le pays de la sagouine

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